EM to PX Converter

The EM to PX Converter is a valuable tool for web designers and developers, enabling quick and seamless conversion between relative (em) and absolute (px) units. EM units are primarily used for font sizes, offering scalability and flexibility for responsive designs. With this tool, you can effortlessly convert EM units to pixel values without the need for manual calculations.

In em unit, the base is the value of its parent's font-size.

Size Preview

The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog

If you have more knowledge about EM units than pixel values, you can easily use this converter tool for responsive web design without any hassle or issues.

How to Use EM to PX Converter

Using the PX to EM Converter is very simple. Just follow the steps below:

EM to PX Conversion Table Chart

This table provides a list of commonly used font size conversions from EM to PX for quick reference. If a specific conversion value is not listed in the table, you can use the EM to PX Converter tool mentioned above to get accurate results within seconds.

Pixels (px) EM

How to Convert EM to PX

As mentioned above, converting EM units to PX values is quite simple using this tool, without wasting any time on calculations. The tool operates based on a multiplication formula in the background to provide accurate conversions.

EM to PX Formula:

px = em / font-size (default is 16px)

This is the only multiplication logic used in the background to convert EM units to PX values. The default base value of 16px, which is the industry standard, is used in the tool. For beginners, using PX values as font sizes is considered a best practice.