PX to EM Converter

The PX to EM Converter is a measurement tool primarily used to convert pixel (PX) values into EM, which is a relative typography unit. EM is based on the font size of the parent element and is commonly used in HTML and CSS styling. With the help of EM units, font sizes for HTML tags like H1, H2, H3, H4, etc., can be increased or decreased easily. Developers and designers often need to determine the equivalent EM value for a given pixel size. By using the PX to EM Converter, pixel values can be effortlessly converted into EM at any time.

In em unit, the base is the value of its parent's font-size. More information about this below.

Size Preview (16px = 1em)

The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog

With the help of the PX to EM Conversion tool, users can create responsive web designs effectively. This tool is particularly useful for web development, standard font scaling, and customizing base font sizes. EM units are an excellent replacement for pixel values when it comes to scaling purposes, making web designs more flexible and adaptable across different devices and screen sizes.

How to Use PX to EM Converter

Follow the steps below to convert pixel values to EM units using the PX to EM Converter:

PX to EM Conversion Table Chart

In the following section, a PX to EM conversion table chart is shared. This table lists several pixel values converted to EM units for reference. For any unit that is not available in the table, you can easily find the conversion using the PX to EM Converter tool in seconds.

Pixels (px) EM

How to Convert PX to EM

Converting pixel PX values to EM units is very easy. You just need to follow a simple mathematical formula, and the conversion will be done. As mentioned above, EM is a relative typography unit, and it helps in increasing or decreasing the font size.

PX to EM Formula:

em = px / font-size (default is 16px)

In this conversion tool, the base pixel value is set to 16px by default, meaning 16px is equal to 1em. This is a standard practice in web design for scaling font sizes and other elements using EM units.

Why Use EM Unit in Web Design?

Using EM units in web design offers several advantages. EM units scale relative to the parent or root font size, allowing for flexible layouts that adapt to different screen sizes and devices. They improve accessibility, especially for users who adjust the text size in their browser settings. EM units also help create responsive designs that work well across various devices, making them a better option than fixed px values.