REM to PX Converter
REM stands for Root EM. It’s a relative unit in CSS that is based on the font size of the root element
. Pixel (px) is one of the most common length units in CSS. To convert REM to
PX value,
the free REM to PX Converter tool can be used, which provides quick results in just a few seconds.
Size Preview
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
If you are uncomfortable with using REM
units, you can switch to PX
values, as PX is one of the
most commonly used units in CSS for web design. This tool provides a size preview, allowing you to test
how the size will look after converting REM to PX. You can use the REM to PX converter tool to easily
convert REM values into PX.
How to Use REM to PX Converter
Here are the step-by-step instructions for converting REM to PX using the converter tool:
- Step 1: Enter base value.
- Step 2: Input the REM unit you want to convert.
- Step 3: Press enter key or click the convert button to get it's PX value.
For example, if you have a 1.5 REM
unit and want to convert it to pixels, you need to use
the default
base value, which is 16px. To convert, simply multiply the REM value by the base value.
In this
case, multiplying 1.5 REM by 16px gives you 24px
. Therefore, 1.5 REM equals 24px
when the base font size is set to 16px.
REM to PX Conversion Table Chart
The table below provides a complete conversion chart for converting REM
units to
. This list includes
REM values that are commonly used in web design and development within (<html>)
If additional values
are needed, they can be easily calculated using the conversion tool mentioned above. This tool helps
users obtain the required conversions quickly and efficiently based on their needs.
REM | Pixels (px) |
How to Convert REM to PX
In this tool, we follow a simple multiplication formula to ensure accurate conversions. This formula helps provide quick answers without wasting time, allowing users to easily convert REM to PX units efficiently.
REM to PX Formula:
px = rem / font-size (default is 16px)
According to this formula, if 0.75 REM
is converted to pixel value using the default value of 16px, the
conversion value will be 12px. If the base value is increased, the pixel value will also increase